Peppermint 10 Respin released with the latest enhancements from Ubuntu 18.04.x
Mr. Mark Greaves has announced the release of Peppermint 10 Respin. It is an iterative update to Peppermint 10 and delivers all the enhancements and updates from Ubuntu 18.04.x LTS series.
Unlike many of the distribution which discontinued support for 32-bit flavor, Peppermint 10 Respin still supports both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors and provides a smoother user experience on low-end computers as well.
In addition to the updates from the Ubuntu core, Peppermint 10 Respin includes some project-specific tooling, theming and appearance improvements. The main highlights are listed below.
- All updates from Ubuntu 18.04.x including Linux Kernel 5.0.0-37 and Firefox 71.
- Included ‘Cursor Resizer’ GUI utility to the settings panel.
- Added a ‘Web Browser Manager’ GUI utility to aid with the installation/removal of some of the more common web browsers.
- Reverted to an earlier ‘xenial’ version of pulseadio-equalizer.
- Added a Peppermint 6 (LXDE) style xfpanel-switch profile which swaps out the whisker menu for an old-school hierarchical menu.
- Added arc-color Gtk themes (new multi-colored Gtk themes built from the well known and respected Arc theme), and switched to Arc-Red-Dark as the system default.
- Updated the default icon theme with some new icons (including the new Firefox/Thunderbird icons).
- Fixed a bug where scrolling wasn’t working when using some integrated ThinkPad and Trackpoint devices.
- Installed p7zip-full out of the box.
- Fixed a bug in ICE that stopped mouse access to the very top part of the screen that caused the toolbar of some web-apps (such as the ‘Editor by Pixlr’ SSB) to be inaccessible.
- Fixed unattended-upgrades to work properly in Peppermint. Please be aware unattended-upgrades is not installed by default but should now work as expected should you choose to install it.
- Advert Blocker now includes more hosts file blocklist options.
- Replaced the 2 current solitaire SSB’s with a single new one.
- Added a DLNnetwork SSB.
- Added a Pinball SSB.
- Rearranged items in the Peppermint Settings Panel to include the new ‘Cursor Resizer’ and ‘Web Browser Manager’ utilities. We’ve also (by request) removed the ‘Dropbox’ item from the settings panel, dropbox-nemo is still installed by default (and accessible via the main menu) but should the user decide to uninstall it, it will now not stay in the settings panel.
For further information, see Peppermint 10 Respin release announcement.
Peppermint 10 screenshots
01 Peppermint OS 10 Desktop - First impression
02 Whisker Menu
03 Microsoft Office Online Apps
04 Nemo File Manager
05 Sakura Terminal Emulator
06 Firefox Web browser
07 Multitasking Overview in Peppermint 10
08 XPlayer - A traditional looking media player
09 XViewer - An image viewer from XApps suite
10 Pixlr - An online image editing application boxed using Peppermint Ice framework
11 Peppermint Ice Framework enables boxing websites as a native application
12 OpenSourceFeed website boxed using Ice framework
13 Mozilla share is another boxed application in Peppermint default installation
14 Software Center (aka mintinstall)
15 Application Info in Software Center
16 Synaptic package manager
17 Xfce Panel switch for switching panels to popular layouts
18 The GNOME 2 Layout
19 Redmond Layout
20 Xfce 4.20 Layout
21 Task Manager
22 htop illustrating resource usage
23 Peppermint Control Center
24 Peppermint Settings Panel (User)
25 Peppermint Settings Panel (Tweaks)
26 Peppermint Settings Panel (System)
27 Wallpaper collection in Peppermint 10
28 Shutdown confirmation