Peppermint OS is a Debian/Devuan-based, GNU/Linux distribution that tries to integrate cloud-based applications with a desktop operating system. As a model for this, Peppermint OS ships a few cloud-based applications like Dropbox, Pixlr express and image editor, Gmail..etc.

Instead of providing a completely different experience, Peppermint tries to deliver a familiar environment with integrated cloud applications.

The core desktop environment used in Peppermint OS is Xfce, a lightweight, mature desktop environment for years. Instead of shipping all components in the Xfce ecosystem, Peppermint OS uses a customized set of applications to provide a better user experience. As a part of this philosophy, it ships applications like Nemo file manager, Chromium browser, mint install software manager, .etc.

Before Peppermint OS 10, the project was based on Lubuntu. Later, the project migrated into a continuous delivery model using Debian/Devuan repositories.

Type Linux
Status Active
Home Page
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) 46(4 hits per month)
Base distributions
Desktop Envrionments