Sparky 2019.08 - First snapshot in Bullseye series - released
The Sparky Linux team has announced the release of Sparky Linux 2019.08 with code name Po Tolo. This is the first snapshot of Sparky rolling line based on Debian Bullseye. Debian Bullseye is the current testing branch of Debian.
Sparky Linux 2019.08 Preview
What is new in Sparky 2019.08?
In addition to updated packages from Debian Bullseye branch, it includes the following noteworthy changes.
- Systemd is updated from Debian “Bullseye” as of 1st August 2019.
- GCC 9 is included (Still GCC 8 remains as default C compiler)
- Introduces new Sparky6 theme
- Fresh Tela icon set
- Refined desktop look and feel
- Replaced lightdm with sddm for LXQt Edition
- Linux Kernel 4.19.37 is included (5.1.21 EOL, 5.2.5 & 5.3-rc2 are available in projects’ repos.
There is no 32-bit flavor
As decided earlier, Sparky Linux 32 bit flavor would not be available for rolling releases. It will support amd64/x86_64 machines only. However, if you are running a 32-bit flavor of Sparky Linux, you can continue to avail updated packages, and it will be fully supported.
LXQt and Xfce Editions
Sparky Linux 2019.08 is available with Xfce and LXQt desktop environments. It also provides Minimal GUI and MinimalCLI alternatives. The installation images can be downloaded from Sparky Linux official download page.
The following section showcases some screenshots captured in Sparky Linux 2019.08 LXQt Edition.
01 Sparky Linux LXQt Desktop02 About Sparky Linux03 About LXQt04 Application Menu05 PCManFM Qt06 Midnight Commander07 Multitasking Overview08 QTerminal09 QTerminal Dropdown10 Firefox Web Browser11 VLC Media Player12 QMMP Music Player13 LibreOffice Impress14 LXImage15 Aptus package manager16 Synaptic Package Manager17 Bleachbit system cleaner18 Featherpad19 Icon Browser20 Resource usage - top21 Configuration Center22 Leave LXQt
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