Sparky Linux is a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution offering a ready-to-use, out-of-the-box operating system. It comes with slightly customized variations of different desktop environments.

There are several variations of Sparky Linux. The Home Edition provides a complete operating system with all the essential plugins/codecs and other applications and tools that will find use in day-to-day life. Sparky Linux Home Editions mainly comes with LXQt, LXDE, and MATE Desktop environments.

The Sparky Linux Minimal GUI comes with a lightweight Openbox configuration and installer to install the required tools and packages. The Minimal CLI version comes with a text-based installer, and it is for advanced users who prefer to configure their operating system in their way.

The Sparky semi-rolling line inherits from the Debian testing and offers a rolling-like experience.

In addition to these, Sparky Linux has another variation called Game Over which is for serious gaming. The Game Over edition comes with several games for GNU/Linux platform.

Type Linux
Status Active
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Page Hit Rank (rank/views) 93(1 hits per month)
Base distributions
Desktop Envrionments