Peppermint OS 10 screenshots
Peppermint OS 10 is a stable release from Peppermint OS family. It is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and inherits all positives from the parent.
It also includes additional improvements from Peppermint team like seamless support for web applications, highly customized desktop environments with efficient choice of applications.
Let’s have a glimpse of Peppermint OS 10.
01 Peppermint OS 10 Desktop - First impression
02 Whisker Menu
03 Microsoft Office Online Apps
04 Nemo File Manager
05 Sakura Terminal Emulator
06 Firefox Web browser
07 Multitasking Overview in Peppermint 10
08 XPlayer - A traditional looking media player
09 XViewer - An image viewer from XApps suite
10 Pixlr - An online image editing application boxed using Peppermint Ice framework
11 Peppermint Ice Framework enables boxing websites as a native application
12 OpenSourceFeed website boxed using Ice framework
13 Mozilla share is another boxed application in Peppermint default installation
14 Software Center (aka mintinstall)
15 Application Info in Software Center
16 Synaptic package manager
17 Xfce Panel switch for switching panels to popular layouts
18 The GNOME 2 Layout
19 Redmond Layout
20 Xfce 4.20 Layout
21 Task Manager
22 htop illustrating resource usage
23 Peppermint Control Center
24 Peppermint Settings Panel (User)
25 Peppermint Settings Panel (Tweaks)
26 Peppermint Settings Panel (System)
27 Wallpaper collection in Peppermint 10
28 Shutdown confirmation
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