Korora team is back on Korora 28 development after the vecation
Closing the uncertainties on the future of Korora project, Korora team has started working on Korora 28. Earlier, the team had planned to go on an indefinite vacation because of the poor community support for taking the Korora project forward. This put the future of Korora project in a dilemma.
After the Korora team announced their vacation, some of the community members came forward to prepare the ISO for the upcoming release. Mr. JMiahMan, a community contributor prepared a Korora 28 Xfce image with the usual add-ons. This inspired the team to come back and to start working on Korora 28. As a beginning, the team is performing the QA activities on Korora 28 Xfce. The team is also seeking community contribution for testing this image. Once the issues on Xfce edition is sorted out, Korora team will prepare images with other ecosystems also.
As most people will know the Korora team has been having a break for the last few months. One of our community members wasn’t happy about this and stepped up to produce a Korora 28 release. We welcome the support and ask that the rest of the community help out by testing the ISO and providing feedback.
A past contributor JMiahMan has produced an Xfce ISO based on Fedora 28 and including the usual Korora additions. There are more details on this Engage item. You might find this blog post interesting too.
There are plans to produce ISOs of the other desktops once Xfce is sorted. So even if you don’t use Xfce it would be helpful if you could test this system on a live system or in a VM. Remember these are community produced, beta releases and not designed for day to day use (yet!) so we don’t recommend installing them on a production system. Feedback can be provided on the Engage item mentioned above or IRC.
For further details, you can read the official Korora 28 development announcement.