Korora was a Fedora based GNU/Linux distribution with purpose of making GNU/Linux distributions accessible for freshers, without ignoring its expert users. In 2005, Korora was started as a Gentoo based distribution, and in 2010 it was rebased with Fedora.
Instead of shipping vanilla user experience from Fedora, Korora used to bring various tweaks and includes several addons and plugins to make it work out of the box. Korora also used to enable multiple 3rd party repositories to give various packages which Fedora does not include due to ideological reasons.
In addition to various day-to-day applications, Korora used bring proprietary components like Google Chrome, Adobe Flash, Google Earth, Google Talk ..etc.
Type | Linux |
Status | Discontinued |
Home Page | https://kororaproject.org/ |
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) | 36(5 hits per month) |
Base distributions | |
Desktop Envrionments |
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