Uruk 2.0 Xfce edition is available now
The Uruk GNU/Linux has gained a lot of popularity with its 1.0 release. Now, after Uruk 2.0 release, it is time to work on diversity. As a beginning of diversification effort, Mr Hayder Ctee on behalf of Uruk team has announced the availability of Uruk 2.0 Xfce edition.
This release brings a 100% libre operating system with Xfce desktop tweaked with Uruk look & feel. It also includes various Uruk tools like Uruk Cleaner, Uruk Package Manager Simulator (UPMS), ..etc.
Following are some of the key highlights of Uruk 2.0 Xfce release:
- Xfce 4.12 as window manager with Uruk 2.0 Customization
- Some default xfce4 apps like (mousepad, thunar file manager, xfburn ….)
- Some Uruk project apps like Uruk cleaner, RoseCrypt and AIA
- Upms (Uruk package manager simulator)
- UCC (Uruk control center)
- Software center with Synaptic Package Manager
- Some Extra apps like (ffmulticonverter, deluge, vlc, engrampa archive manager, Abrowser, Libreoffice5, Rhythmbox, …. )
- Lightdm as a display manager
You can read Uruk 2.0 Xfce edition official release announcement in projects blog, and download installation image here.