Salix 15.0 screenshot tour
On 5th September 2022, the Salix community announced the release of Salix 15.0. Salix 15.0 is the latest stable release from the Slackware-based GNU/Linux distribution family. It has been almost 6 years since the previous stable release of the Salix. Over these years, the Salix community has spent enormous effort in adding thousands of packages into Salix repositories.
What’s new in Salix 15.0?
Following are the noteworthy features of the Salix 15.0 release.
- Xfce 4.16 is the main desktop environment.
- Most of the applications including graphical system tools use GTK +3 framework.
- Firefox 102ESR
- LibreOffice 7.4
- GIMP 2.10
- Thousands of packages have been added to Salix repositories and are now available through Gslapt package manager.
- Flathub is preconfigured and users can directly install applications from
- Salix 15.0 is available in 32bit and 64bit flavors.
- Fresh icon theme and window theme which comes in light variant. The dark variant is also available.
For further reading, see the Salix 15.0’s official release announcement in projects forums.
Download Salix 15.0
Download Salix 15.0 Xfce 64 BIT Download Salix 15.0 Xfce 32 BIT
Salix 15.0 screenshots
The following section showcases some screenshots captured in Salix 15.0 running on VirtualBox.
01.0 Salix Desktop
01.1 About Xfce
02 Whisker Menu
03 Thunar file manager
04 terminal
05 window switching
06 firefox
07 parole media player
08 Exaile music player
09 Appearance switch
10 Settings manager
11 Wallpaper collection
12 Flathub collection
13 Glapt package manager
14 Resource utilization
15 Shutdown confirmation