ROSA Fresh Plasma 12 - Screenshots & Preview
ROSA Fresh is a GNU/Linux distribution from Russia for home users. It includes all essential applications to do things out-of-the-box. The latest snapshot of ROSA Fresh features Plasma 5.22.5, and the Linux Kernel 5.10.71. See the ROSA Fresh screenshots and the preview video below.
ROSA Fresh includes the below applications.
- LibreOffice as office suite
- SMPlayer and MPV as video players
- Elisa Music Player
- Chromium Browser
- Other standard applications from the Plasma Stack
ROSA Fresh Plasma 12 screenshots
01 title clip
02 about the system
03 application menu
04 dolphin file manager
05 terminal emulator
06 alt tab switching
07 chromum browser
08 SMPlayer
09 mpv
10 elisa music player
11 libreoffice writer
12 system settings
13 background settings
15 System Monitor
16 Shutdown Confirmation
Video Preview
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