Puppy Linux 7.5, Xenialpup released
The Puppy Linux team has announced the release of Puppy Linux 7.5 Xenialpup. Following the tradition of Puppy releases, this release also brings a small sized, fast and versatile operating system.
Xenialpup comes with 32 bit and 64 bit flavors. The 32 bit flavor includes Linux Kernel 4.4.95-noPAE which can provide better support for older hardware. While the 64 bit flavor includes Linux Kernel 4.9.58 for better modern hardware support.
In addition to Kernel updates, following are some highlights in Xenialpup 7.5 release:
- JWM window manager and ROX file manager.
- Palemoon browser and Claws mail client.
- FTP, Torrent, and Chat applications.
- MPV media player, Simple Screen Recorder, and Deadbeef audio player.
- Abiword word processor and Gnumeric Spread sheet application.
- Vector and Drawing applications.
- Samba file sharing, CUPS printing and CD/DVD utilities.
- Quickpet, a utility to easily install to the most popular additional applications, OS updates & bugfixes.
- Lots of in house puppy-specific applications such as Pburn, Uextract, Packit, Change_kernels, JWMdesk, YASSM, Pclock, SimpleGTKradio as well as a wide range of many other up to date programs and utilities.
For more information, see original release announcement of Puppylinux 7.5 published in project’s blog.