elementary OS 6 Odin released
Mr. Cassidy Blaede has announced the release of elementary OS 6 with the code name Odin. elementary 6 is the biggest release in the history of elementary OS and brings a lot of improvements to user experience and performance.
The main highlights in the elementary OS 6 Odin release are briefly explained below. You can read through the full release announcement in the elementary blog.
- elementary 6 introduces a dark theme. Users can choose the dark theme either from the welcome screen or from the system settings. It also offers 10 different accent colors, which will decide the major color component in the official theme. Also, elementary 6 can choose an automatic accent from the wallpaper.
- In elementary 6, all AppCenter apps are now packaged and distributed as Flatpaks, a modern container format that keeps apps isolated away from each other—and your sensitive data. Also, you can control the permissions granted for each app from the system settings -> Applications view.
- A key highlight in elementary 6 is the multitouch support. A three-finger swipe up smoothly opens the Multitasking View, exposing open apps and workspaces. A three-finger swipe left or right smoothly switches between the dynamic workspaces, making it even faster to jump between tasks. Also, multi-touch shortcuts are available in some of the built-in apps. Users can configure the multi-touch support from System Settings → Mouse & Touchpad → Gestures.
- Redesigned notifications with rich information on the producer application, and the task status.
- Introducing Tasks application which is a TODO application with online account sync support.
- elementary OS 6 comes with built-in firmware updates, powered by the Linux Vendor Firmware Service. Firmware updates are provided for supported devices by hardware manufacturers like Star Labs, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Intel, Logitech, Wacom, 8bitdo, and many more. It can be accessed from System Settings → System → Firmware or by searching the Applications Menu for “Firmware.”
- Improvements on elementary native apps like Web, Mail, Calendar, Camera, AppCenter, Files, Code, Terminal, and screenshot utility.
- Updates & improvements on the top panel.
- Improved user navigation.
Read further on the official elementary 6 release announcement.
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