Ubuntu Budgie was started as an unofficial remix of Ubuntu in 2016. By end of the year, it was recognized as an official community flavor of Ubuntu. It combines solid Ubuntu core with elegant, efficient and productive budgie desktop, developed by Solus project.

Ubuntu Budgie project does a fair amount of customization on vanilla budgie desktop to make it more appealing to end users and ships numerous applications that will have great value in day to day activities.

One of the key attraction of Ubuntu Budgie is Budgie Welcome, an advanced application that takes users through various configuration options such as steam installation, multimedia codec installation, budgie applet installation ..etc. It also provides options to switch complete look & feel with a single click.

Type Linux
Status Active
Home Page https://ubuntubudgie.org/
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) 62(3 hits per month)
Base distributions
Desktop Envrionments