SolydXK is a Debian based GNU/Linux distribution aiming to provide a simple to use, stable and secure environment for typical computing activities. As the suffix XK in SolydXK suggests, this distribution comes in two variations, featuring Xfce and Plasma desktop environments.
SolydXK is supposed to be an open source alternative suitable for small businesses, non-profit organizations and home users.
Historically, SolydXK has roots on Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) and Linux Mint KDE Edition. Mr Arjen Balfroot used to admire both of these variations. At the beginning, he started a forum thread on Linux Mint forums to create an unofficial KDE flavor for LMDE. Later, when the Linux Mint team decided to drop LMDE Xfce edition, Arjen also started maintaining an unofficial LMDE Xfce flavor. When it became clear that, these unofficial flavors are going to be unofficial forever, Arjen came with the idea of creating his own distributions with names SolydX & SolydK featuring Xfce & KDE desktop environments respectively.
Type | Linux |
Status | Active |
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Page Hit Rank (rank/views) | 61(3 hits per month) |
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