MakuluLinux is a unique GNU/Linux distribution built on top of a custom Debian Foundation. It always surprises users and reviewers with their design decisions.
As per the developer’s claim, Makulu does not simply take a Debian release and then add some themes & tools to publish another distribution. Instead, they have put a lot of effort to build an optimized custom base with Makulu & Debian repositories. All the Makulu releases are evolved from this foundation.
There are 3 official varieties for MakuluLinux. Makulu Core provides a clear vision of Makulu releases with custom Xfce Desktop and beauty. Makulu Flash is a traditional-looking release with a focus on ease-of-use, stability, and performance. Makulu Lindoz provides a familiar experience for users from Windows background, but it does not try to mimic the theme and color scheme of Windows.
Type | Linux |
Status | Active |
Home Page | |
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) | 59(3 hits per month) |
Base distributions |
Desktop Envrionments |
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