MakuluLinux is a unique GNU/Linux distribution built on top of a custom Debian Foundation. It always surprises users and reviewers with their design decisions.

As per the developer’s claim, Makulu does not simply take a Debian release and then add some themes & tools to publish another distribution. Instead, they have put a lot of effort to build an optimized custom base with Makulu & Debian repositories. All the Makulu releases are evolved from this foundation.

There are 3 official varieties for MakuluLinux. Makulu Core provides a clear vision of Makulu releases with custom Xfce Desktop and beauty. Makulu Flash is a traditional-looking release with a focus on ease-of-use, stability, and performance. Makulu Lindoz provides a familiar experience for users from Windows background, but it does not try to mimic the theme and color scheme of Windows.

Type Linux
Status Active
Home Page
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) 59(3 hits per month)
Base distributions
Desktop Envrionments