KaOS is a lightweight, independent Linux distribution that prioritizes a clean, efficient KDE Plasma desktop experience. As a rolling release, KaOS ensures users always have access to the latest updates and innovations in the open-source world.
Key features of KaOS include:
- Single, Integrated Environment: KaOS provides a cohesive desktop experience with Plasma, Qt, and x86_64 architecture.
- Curated Package Selection: Instead of overwhelming users with countless options, KaOS focuses on delivering a carefully chosen set of high-quality packages.
- Regular Updates: Monthly ISO snapshots keep KaOS users up-to-date with the latest advancements in Plasma and other open-source technologies.
If you’re seeking a modern, streamlined Linux distribution with a focus on the KDE desktop, KaOS is an excellent choice.
Type | Linux |
Status | Active |
Home Page | https://kaosx.us |
News and Updates | https://kaosx.us/news/ |
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) | 19(11 hits per month) |
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