FreeBSD is a free operating system derived from BSD (Berkely System Distribution), a version of Unix developed at University of California, Berkeley. It supports a variety of platforms including desktops, embedded systems, servers, cloud platforms ..etc.
The main focus of FreeBSD is on features, speed, and stability. It is a preferred choice of deployment on a variety of platforms as
- It provides cutting-edge features. FreeBSD provides advanced networking, performance, security and compatibility features which are still missing in other operating systems.
- It makes an ideal internet or intranet server.
- It can be deployed in a simple to very complex embedded systems.
- Includes a huge number of ported libraries and applications for desktops, servers, appliances and embedded environments.
Type | BSD |
Status | Active |
Home Page | |
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) | 66(2 hits per month) |
Base distributions |
Distributions based on FreeBSD | |
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