EndeavourOS is an Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution project. The project makes the Arch-Linux accessible to a wide range of users with a friendly installer, preconfigured desktop environment, and other tools.
EndeavourOS is created by the community members of Antergos after its discontinuation in 2019. EndeavourOS takes a different direction from the Antergos in design and principles. Over a short span, it has established a unique identity among the GNU/Linux distributions.
EndeavourOS keeps a basic system close to Arch Linux to avoid complexities in package management and configurations. EndeavourOS gets a lot of attention because of its close resemblance with Arch and ease of use.
Type | Linux |
Status | Active |
Home Page | https://endeavouros.com |
Page Hit Rank (rank/views) | 2(68 hits per month) |
Base distributions | |
Desktop Envrionments |
Releases | |
Telegram Channel(s) |
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