ArcoLinux (previously, ArchMerge) is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. It provides a progressive learning path of 2 - 3 years to improve Linux skills. The learning path includes various materials includes tutorial articles and youtube videos.

At the very beginning, ArcoLab provides users a polished distribution with Xfce, Openbox, and i3 desktop. Gradually, it takes you away from the comfort zone and asks you to make your hands dirty by doing things. If you follow this course carefully, at the end of the learning path, you will be able to roll your Arch-based distribution.

The ArcoLinux learning path includes 5 phases.

  • Phase 1 is for absolute beginners who have no or little experience with Linux. In this phase, you can start with Xfce desktop, then move to Openbox and finally get familiar with i3 which mostly works with keyboards.
  • In Phase 2, you will be provided with ArcoLinuxD, a minimal down version of ArcoLinux without any desktop or application software like the web browser, media player ..etc. You can follow the tutorials to install any of the desktops introduced in Phase 1.
  • Phase 3 is an advanced version of Phase 3. You will be provided with ArcoLinuxD. The challenge is to install desktop environments which are not covered in Phase 2. For example, awesome, GNOME, Cinnamon ..etc
  • Phase 4 is customizing ArcoLinux or ArcoLinuxD. In this phase, you are expected to remove/add applications in installation media. Try adding steam or obs-studio in the ISO. Then burn this ISO to a DVD or make a USB drive bootable and try it.
  • Phase 5 is installing Arch Linux in Arch Way. Download and install the base distribution. Then progressively add desktop environment and other applications.
  • Phase 6 is the most difficult and advanced step. It is building your own custom GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. This can be a very time-intensive task. The ArcoLinux team will take you through various things required to roll out your distribution based on Arch.

Type Linux
Status Active
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Base distributions
Desktop Envrionments