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Archlabs 2019.10.28 released with a handful of improvements
30 Oct 2019
On 28th October 2019, the Archlabs team has announced the release of Archlabs 2019.10.28. It is a stable update of Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution inspired by Bunsenlabs. The Archlabs team is...
Fedora 31 officially released, see screenshots
29 Oct 2019
The Fedora team has announced the official release of Fedora 31. This release includes Fedora Workstation, Official spins, server edition, Fedora Core OS and Lab editions. All of these varieties...
Voyager GE 19.10 released with Eoan Ermine foundation
27 Oct 2019
The Voyager Linux project has announced the release of Voyager GE 19.10. It is a stable release of Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution featuring a customized GNOME shell. Voyager GE 19.10 is...
GhostBSD 19.10 released with UEFI boot improvements
27 Oct 2019
Mr. ericbsd has released for GhostBSD. The GhostBSD 19.10 release brings some improvements on live-boot and fixes some issues related to UEFI boot. As announced earlier, GhostBSD 19.09 was the...
Lubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine screenshots
24 Oct 2019
Lubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is a stable release of Lubuntu. It provides a recent version of the LXQt Desktop along with all the core features from the Ubuntu Eoan foundation....
patito feo
released with Xfce 4.14
22 Oct 2019
The MX team has announced the release of MX-19 with code name patito feo. This stable release of MX Linux includes updated packages from Debian 10.1 snapshot and antiX and...
Exploring Nitrux with DistroTest
21 Oct 2019
I was longing to explore the Nitrux OS for a long time. But I was not able to explore this distribution because of its special installation procedure. Also, my laptop...
Ubuntu MATE 19.10 released addressing many of the user experience issues
20 Oct 2019
Mr. Martin Wimpress has announced the release of Ubuntu MATE 19.10, latest stable release of popular Ubuntu flavor featuring MATE Desktop. The main focus of this release was on fixing...
antiX 19 released with Debian Buster Foundation.
19 Oct 2019
Mr. anticapitalista has announced the release of antiX 19 with code name Marielle Franco. This is the latest stable release of Debian based GNU/Linux distribution that comes with no-systemd. antiX...
Xubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine released with Xfce 4.14, see screenshots
19 Oct 2019
The Xubuntu project has unveiled Xubuntu 19.10, the latest stable release from the project. The main highlight of this release is Xfce 4.14, a stable release of projects flagship desktop...
Kubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine released with Plasma 5.16, see screenshots
18 Oct 2019
The Kubuntu team has released Kubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine, a regular release of Kubuntu. In addition to all improvements from the Ubuntu Eoan branch, Kubuntu brings KDE Plasma 5.16. It...
Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine released, see screenshots
17 Oct 2019
On behalf of Ubuntu Release Engineering team, Mr Adam Conrad has announced the release of Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine. This release includes Ubuntu Desktop, Server and Cloud Editions. It also...
Ubuntu Budgie 19.10 released, see screenshots
17 Oct 2019
The Ubuntu Budgie team has announced the release of Ubuntu Budgie 19.10 Eoan Ermine, the latest stable release of Ubuntu flavor featuring Budgie Desktop. It includes a bunch of improvements...
FreeBSD 12.1 RC1 released with more stability imrovements
12 Oct 2019
The FreeBSD RE team has announced the public availability of FreeBSD 12.1 RC1. This is the first release candidate in projects 12.1 series and brings a lot of stability and...
Long-awaited Elive 3.7.14 is on the way, the BETA release is available now
08 Oct 2019
Breaking the silence, the Elive team has announced the availability of Elive 3.7.14 BETA. This development snapshot includes updated packages from the Debian 10.x Buster series. Elive 3.7.14 BETA is...
SparkyLinux 5.9 Nibiru released
07 Oct 2019
The SparkyLinux team has released SparkyLinux 5.9 Nibiru, an updated snapshot in projects 5.x series. This release is based on Debian 10 Buster and all the packages have been updated...
SolydXK 10 released with Debian Buster Foundation
01 Oct 2019
The SolydXK project has announced the release of SolydXK 10, the latest stable release of Debian based GNU/Linux distribution. This release has its foundation laying on Debian 10.1 Buster. The...
Fedora 31 BETA released with GNOME 3.34; See screenshots
18 Sep 2019
The Fedora Project has announced the release of Fedora 31 BETA, a development release before the forthcoming Fedora 31 release planned for October 2019. This release includes Fedora Workstation, IoT...