openSUSE Leap 15.1 is an incremental release in openSUSE Leap family. The Leap family provides a kind of hybrid operating system that combines the solid packages from SEL (Suse Enterprise Linux) and the effort of community.

The Leap 15.1 makes the Leap experience much better. With updated Kernel, it provides a updated graphics stack with modern drivers. Also there are multiple improvements in YaST, a powerful administrative tool shipped by SEL.

Citing from openSUSE Leap 15.1 release announcement,

Some of the improvements to YaST have made for better management of services. Firewalld can be managed in text mode. There is a new User Interface to manage Firewalld, including AutoYaST support/advancements. System administrators will have better control with Salt formulas in the yast2-configuration-management module, and management of SSH keys per user will make sysadmins tasks much more pleasant.

YaST comes with an improved Partitioner, that now can automatically format full disks without partition tables, create software MD RAIDs on top of full disks, create partitions within a software-defined MD RAID and many other combinations. AutoYaST also supports all these combinations. The work the YaST team has put into the setup and configuration tool has a better default partitioning proposal in several scenarios like those with small disks or systems with several disks making solutions easier for Linux professionals. Leap 15.1 brings new YaST icons developed by the community.

The YaST team worked hard on improving the 4k display (HiDPI) experience. HiDPI displays are now autodetected and the UI is auto-scaled giving the installer a beautifully crisp interface.

This time, let’s have a quick view of openSUSE Leap 15.1 Plasma Edition.

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