4MLinux 29.0 STABLE screenshots
The 4MLinux team has announced the release of 4MLinux 29.0. As usual, it provides maintenance (by using it as a system rescue live CD), multimedia (for example, for playing video DVDs), miniserver (using the inetd daemon), and mystery suites.
As a major release, 4MLinux 29.0 include some noteworthy changes.
- Audacious audio player is available out of the box.
- A new desktop sub-menu called Office with applications like AbiWord, Gnumeric, LazPaint
- spellcheck functionality added to Sylpheed and HexChat
- The LibreOffice installation script is improved
- better support for MINIX file system (via util-linux and GParted)
- much improved 3D acceleration in Quake2.
- The 4MServer now includes PHP 7.3 with NaCl cryptography support.
Following are some screenshots capture in 4MLinux 29.0 release. I could not capture the screenshot of application menu and other menu items due to the limitation of default screenshot tool and lack of option to install other tools.
01 4MLinux JWM Desktop - First impression
02 JWM Desktop with icons enabled
03 PCManFM
04 Midnight Commander
05 Netsurf
07 Audacious
08 2048 Console Game
09 Mario using Dosbox
10 Pacman using Dosbox
11 Image Viewer
12 Text Editor
13 Calculator
14 AbiWord
15 LazPaint
16 Resource usage on idle state
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